Saturday, June 27, 2009

Once again, God has demonstrated that His plans are superior to ours. I'm not sure yet what He has planned for us, but I keep praying it will be made clear soon.

When I returned for the 2nd sonogram yesterday, our angel's heart had already stopped beating. It makes me all the more appreciative that we did have a chance to see it, together, the week before. Little One hadn't grown at all -- in fact, it was a little smaller. Although I'm still waiting for the miscarriage, it is inevitable at this point. Today marks 11 weeks.

I wish I had a Gods-eye view of things, that I could see how everything would turn out in the end. I wish I could change the outcome of life's events. I wish my plans and dreams for life would be the ones to succeed. But, as a mere human, my choice is to stuggle on my own or lean whole-heartedly on His grace and love over the long term.

We're going away for a few days to just be alone together and mourn. I'll be back Monday or Tuesday.


Sarah said...

Sweet Jenny, I don't know what to say, except I am so broken hearted and grieved and so sorry, sorry for your loss. May God comfort you as only He can comfort you right now. Much love and many prayers.

Emily said...

Oh, Jenny, I am so deeply sorry for you and your husband. My eyes filled with tears when I read this. May God strengthen and sustain you.

Stosh Piznarski said...

Jenn, this is Justin. I am so sorry. I am here for you always.

Serena said...

I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and your husband.

Gillian said...

Oh Jenny. I am so, so, sorry. Praying for you and your husband, and weeping with you.

The Stay at Home Wifey said...

Jenny, you are in my prayers at this time. I'm 10 weeks into our first pregnancy and can't even begin to imagine how devastating this must be. Keep yourself well, and surround yourself with only those who are loving and supportive.

Southern Lady said...

You have my prayers and sympathy.

Mrs. G said...

I'd like to add my sympathy to everyone else's. What a heartbreak for both of you! I'm so, so sorry. Take care of yourself!
