One of the blogs I've recently found had a post-challenge that I'm excited to be a part of (it's my first! I'm afraid I'm becoming a blogger addict...):
"The rules are simple...just share at least one picture that truly makes you happy. :)"
I have two to share, one old and one more recent. I never can help but smile when I see these...

My little brother was born when I was 13 years old. Both my parents worked, so I spent a lot of time taking care of him during the summers. This was when my parents went on a business trip together and took us with them -- my sister and I rode the trolley around Memphis seeing the sites. MattMan ran out of steam and took a nap on my chest. I'll never forget how warm and milky he smelled... this was the moment I knew I'd be a mom. It's especially lovely to look back at now that MattMan is almost nine years old and more often smells like sweat than anything sweet.

My daddy took this picture the morning after I got engaged. What more do I need to say?! I spent the whole morning in an excited fluster that has continued to this day. God has blessed me so richly with my dear husband.
So those are my pictures of happiness! If anyone else wants to play, I think you should link back to the original post, but I'm not sure how these things work. Love to see other pictures!
Hello Jenny!
I'm so glad you've stopped by my blog! I'm glad to have found's a delight to read over. :)
Happy New Years!
Those pictures make me smile, as well! My littlest sister was born one month before I turned 13 so I felt incredibly "homesick" when I saw your picture of you and your little brother. How fast they grow up!
What a sweet picture of you and your hubby! How long were you engaged before you got married?
Oops, I just realized my sister is actually ten right now so she was born a month before I turned 12. Senior Moment. :)
We were engaged from November 4th until the wedding on August 2nd... so that is right at 9 months? We had dated right about 11 months before that. A lot of people tell me that it was a very quick relationship but we just knew. We were both dating "intentionally" and talked from our first dinner together that if we couldn't see each other together forever, to end it fast.
How long were you and your hubby together before the wedding?
I think when you know, you know. :) We never technically "dated" but we, um, met in person for the first time in June of '05 and got married in September of '05.
Now I'd NEVER want a daughter of mine to do that, but the Lord has worked our very quick relationship out wonderfully well!
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