I have news for you, cleverly displayed in this photograph my husband played with:

We got to go in and see her yesterday morning. She's strong and active, with loooong legs and arms. And a big ole fluffy baby bum! We're at 15oz -- almost a pound! -- and 10 inches long. I'm so excited :)
Did I mention, she's active? Like.. seriously. She's hardly ever still! During the sonogram, she was literally turning summersaults and backflips. The tech shook my belly to try to get her to turn certain ways, but she wouldn't stay that way long enough to get any photos. It was actually really funny. The best part (for me at least) is that the tech wasn't able to finish her "checklist" because of Baby's wiggliness. That means that I get another sono next month :) I'm certainly not complaining, because they scheduled the sono during the wait time for my glucose tolerance test (boo, not looking forward to THAT part of the visit). While my blood sugar rockets around, I'll get to watch my baby more.
Blessings to you, too, this wonderful New Year! 2011 is already shaping up to be a life-changing year!
Congratulations! Girls are so much fun! (I'm sure boys are, too, but I have no first-hand experience with that. ;) ) Any chance you'll share her name?
How exciting! We need some girls. Everyone I know personally who's had babies in the past year or so has had boys, except one. I just hope for your sake she does not turn out to be as (hyper) active as Maria once she's out of the womb.
Congratulations again! I love th e picture. :) I can't wait to see and hear about the sewing you do for little girlie. How are you going to decorate the nursery?
Serena, we've decided to keep names to ourselves until she's born. Mainly because I want the freedom to change my mind! We were dead set on one until I saw her and now I think it doesn't fit. I'll probably change back and forth a hundred times until I see her for real.
Emily, I've spent the past 2 years enjoying your Maria stories. I'm sure I'll be turning to you, pulling my hair out, and giving you a turn to giggle. If she's even HALF as active as my husband, I'm in for a crash course in patience.
Sarah, monkies! It seems to fit :) Most of the big stuff (curtains, bedding, cloth diapers) is going to be gender-neutral, with lots of little pink clothes and stuffies.
Oh Jenny, I'm so excited for you! I like what you said about changing the name - my parents were going to name my little sister Emily, right up until about 2 weeks before she was born, when my mom suddenly decided that Katherine would suit her better. She was so right :) The freedom to change is definitely a good thing! :D
Gillian, exactly! My brother was supposed to be David all the way until they left for the hospital. We got a call in the morning that Matthew had been born! Sometimes you just have to see the little one to be certain.
Yay!! Yay yay yay!! How wonderful!! Geez, I'm so excited.
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