Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to 2010

I absolutely love the holiday season. The lights, the music, the food (the FOOD!)... But like all good things (and bad things), "this too shall pass." So here we are at the start of a new year, a new decade, another new day where we have the priviledge of walking this life with our treasured family and friends.

For some people, the mark of the new year is a chance to set lavish resolutions that are vague or nearly impossible: Lose weight. Work out. Et cetera. I am hilariously bad at these. I usually forget by the end of January or get too bogged down in legalism of "how it should be" to get around to actually doing it. So, in response, this year I am setting simple, acheivable goals that are in-line with conversations my husband and I have been having anyway. "Goals" makes it sound less intimidating to my silly ears.

Goals 1 and 2: Serve at least one whole fruit at breakfast and one whole veggie at lunch and dinner. This may seem small to you; you're probably already doing it. However, there has been a significant lack of nutrition in the Preston household. Part of it comes from still being in college and therefore the college mindset. Part of it comes from the fact we both grew up in "meat and potatoes" households and I personally don't like potatoes. I've only just this year discovered that foods such as asparagus and pomegranet exist. Now's as good a time to start as any: I can't tell children to eat their veggies and have them respond, "But Mommy doesn't!"

Goal 3: Write thank you notes after receiving gifts or hospitality. This social nicety really can help to brighten someone's day and let them know they are appreciated. I bought some pretty cards and stuck them in my desk to help make this goal easier to achieve. I spent this morning writing the ones for Christmas!

Goal 4: Make a concious effort to call each of my dearest friends once a week, even if we can only talk for a few minutes. I have really let my friendships slide since getting married and it has only been recently that I realized how long it goes between talking to the girls who truly understand my heart. My husband is wonderful, but he isn't (and should never, ever try to be) a woman. "I'm too busy" can't be an excuse anymore.

Four simple goals, four little habits that can hopefully make me a better woman, wife, and friend. I think I can actually meet my goals since they're little and routine. Baby steps, right?

Are you a "resolution" person? Did you set goals to achieve this year? I'd love to hear, so that I can root you on, too!


Gillian said...

Jenny, I think this is so funny as this year I decided to set "goals" instead of making resolutions as well! Some of mine are similar... eat more fruits, veggies, and healthy foods (so hard sometimes in a college cafeteria!) and try to keep my temper on an even keel when at home (I never knew my siblings were so annoying!) I did set the "exercise" and "lose weight" ones, as well, though not from a sense of vanity but because my doctor was very, very firm about these, especially getting more exercise.

The most important one though to me is that I'm trying to set habits of reading and studying the Bible, and really praying, each day - I've fallen out of the regular habit at school and I know I need to get back to it! I'd appreciate prayer for that one especially, and I'll keep you and your goals in my prayers as well :-)

Jena Webber said...

What great goals!! And I think I'd like to add to the list: meet the organizing mommy and her family! When we get back from Moody, we'll figure out the details. Thanks for linking up.

Jenny P. said...

Gillian: I will certainly be praying for you and your honorable goals. I know exactly how hard it is to stay faithful in college. I only survived thanks to a delightful Christian roomate and Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. It is so nice to graduate -- a whole three weeks ago now!

Organizing Mommy: Goal Five -- Come meet you and your delightful family once we've returned from Liberia! There, my list ought to be complete now ;-)