Monday, August 24, 2009

Breaking the Moses Habit, Pt. 2

This is the second post in a series I am writing about Moses' reaction when faced with God through the burning bush. God tells him to go to Egypt, and Moses refuses, using five excuses that I have found myself using repeatly when faced with God's call in my life. You can read my inspiration text in Exodus chpt. 3-4, and the first part of my writing here.
Breaking the Moses Habit: Who am I?
But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11

Who am I? I’m just little me, minding my own business. What right do I have to demand anyone’s attention – especially that of someone important! I’m only one in 6.7 billion!
I completely understand how Moses felt here. Who hasn’t at one point or another!? It is hard not to feel small when faced with the staggering problems of this world – poverty, hunger, slavery, genocide. Even the staggering beauties (mountains, oceans, plains) have the same effect. Culture does its best to encourage this line of thinking – “You’re only one person. What can you do to change the world?”

That’s how it looks from our perspective. Thankfully, God has a different view:

And God said, “I will be with you.” Exodus 3:12

I wish I could have seen Moses’ face at that moment. I imagine he was flooded with emotions. Joy – he is not alone. Hope – maybe this task isn’t impossible after all. And fear – there goes one really great excuse!

We have the same promise as modern Christians. We may not be special in and of ourselves, but “we are God’s children” (Romans 8:16). We have been adopted into the family of the King and given the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide and support us. If He calls us, He will provide the means to further His glory.

I have been caught in this “who am I?” trap on countless occasions. I’m a young woman with a short track record as a Christian – only five years. I haven’t finished a degree or taken any special bible classes. A lot of the time I do not feel qualified to speak. I feel the urging in my heart but my mind gets in the way. This “right to speak” idea permeates my life – not just my faith. The last thing I want to do is having someone be offended and remind me that I am not worthy of sharing my opinions.

It is a hard concept to fully comprehend: I have value not because of who I am, but because of who God is. Which leads us to Moses’ next excuse…

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I have been greatly encouraged by your Moses posts. Thank you so much for writing this and for speaking out! I especially love your last statement - I have value not because of who I am, but because of who God is. Amen!!!! Looking forward to the next installment. . .