This is my first day of my first Week in Feminine Dress (from hence forward, WIFD). I wear skirts and dresses from time to time, but it's pretty counter-cultural so I don't do it very often. I attend a REALLY relaxed college where most girls show up in jeans if they bother changing from PJs. We also attend a very modern church. I've been wanting to transition to more feminine clothing, so this is a great kick start!
Today was church, followed by a whole afternoon of family visits, then staying overnight with friends, then more family/friend visits tomorrow. Busy, busy!
I'm working on a long post about learning as a Christian adult. It's coming together, but I want it to be "perfect" before going on-line. Hopefully it'll go up Tuesday morning.
You look so pretty! I have been having fun following the WIFD at S&S. I was going to participate, but am waiting for WIHD next month. It's so neat to see so many ladies wearing feminine clothing!
I wanted to do WIHD but I have too many out-of-home commitments and not enough wardrobe to make it work. Maybe in a few years.
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